SOMI's HotelGymAdvisor


Full List of the Hotel Gyms on This Blog このブログのホテルジムの全リスト(掲載予定含む)

Vietnam(ベトナム) Hanoi, Vietnam (ハノイ,ベトナム) Area A (Aエリア) Area B (Bエリア) Area C (Cエリア) Area D (Dエリア) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (ホーチミン,ベトナム) Area A (Aエリア) Area B (Bエリア) Area C (Cエリア)…

9 Selections of Hotel Gyms for Weight Training in Central Hanoi - Area C ハノイのCエリアで筋トレ設備があるホテルのジム9選

In this area, there are a lot of shops, restaurants and serviced apartments for relatively rich westerners. I am supposed to visit Hanoi sometime in summer of 2020 and will update the information and photos below.

7 Selections of Hotel Gyms for Weight Training in Central Hanoi - Area B ハノイのBエリアで筋トレ設備があるホテルのジム7選

While Old Quarter is the most popular place in Hanoi for tourists, there's no very good hotel gym for weight training in this area as you can see from these photos below. Same as the other areas in Hanoi, I researched thoroughly and select…

【旅行記】そうだ、香港でデュアルSIMのiPhone 11をゲットして広州で飲茶してバドミントンワールドツアーファイナルズを観戦しよう(終)⑨広州発のほうが香港発よりもなぜか飛行機代が安かった編


12 Selections of Hotel Gyms for Weight Training in Central Hanoi - Area A ハノイのAエリアで筋トレ設備があるホテルのジム12選

You can find relatively many nice hotel gyms for weight training in this area for Hanoi. Because there's no very good one in well-known Old Quarter area, I recommend that you should stay at one of those hotels below if you visit Hanoi for …

バグ??Adobe Lightroomアプリ(iOS)のバージョン5.1.0で画像に透かし(ウォーターマーク)を入れる方法

iOS版のAdobe Lightroomアプリを使った透かしが、バージョン5.0.0以降、それまでのやり方では入らなくなってしまいました。四苦八苦してなんとか入れる方法を見つけたのでシェアします。

8 Selections of Hotel Gyms for Weight Training in Incheon, South Korea 韓国インチョンの筋トレ設備があるホテルのジム8選

Incheon is famous for Incheon International Airport. I selected 4 major hotel gyms for weight training near the airport and all the ones in New Songdo City, which is 40 minutes drive from the airport. As of December 2019, I believe there's…