SOMI's HotelGymAdvisor



Hotel Gym Selection Criteria ジムの選定基準

(日本語は英語の後に続きます) If you do weight training regularly, it is an important issue whether the hotel you are staying at has a weight training facility, right? If you can choose a hotel, you want one with that kind of gym, right? …

Full List of the Hotel Gyms on This Blog このブログのホテルジムの全リスト(掲載予定含む)

Vietnam(ベトナム) Hanoi, Vietnam (ハノイ,ベトナム) Area A (Aエリア) Area B (Bエリア) Area C (Cエリア) Area D (Dエリア) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (ホーチミン,ベトナム) Area A (Aエリア) Area B (Bエリア) Area C (Cエリア)…